Luis Alejo Mango
Luis Alejo Mango was born in Cusco, which was known to the Inca people who inhabited this region as the ‘Navel of the World’. His Quechua and Amyra ancestral lineages source from Inca blood.
He grew up in his family with strong influences from both Andean and Catholic traditions.
His brother, Dennis Alejo Mango, introduced him to paqos (priests and medicine men and women) of the Andean tradition many years ago. He accompanied Dennis many times during his travels and pilgrimages to the highlands of the Q’ero Nation, to work and study with the Q’ero paqos, who are considered to be direct descendants of the Inca.
Luis discovered that there are a great many differences between the pure Andean culture of Peru and the ‘foreign’ culture of his country which was introduced by the Spaniards when they came to South America. He became intrigued by the Andean cosmovision and healing practices, especially because his family lineage sources from them.
Several years ago he began to apprentice with the Andean (namely Q’ero) paqos in order to study the mystical aspects and the energy medicine practices of these medicine people who have supported the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being of the members of their communities for thousands of years.
Along with his personal apprenticeship with the Andean paqos, Luis acquired formal education in Peru in Tourism.
In his life and work, it is his intention to develop his own skills as a practitioner of the healing arts and wisdom ways of the Andean paqos. He also combines his studies of the Andean cosmovision with his education as a tour guide so that he can organize and guide spiritual journeys for people who want to work with the paqos in the Andes and can travel abroad to share the wisdom and traditions of his native culture with Westerners.
His native tongue is Quechua and this enables him to translate and interpret the language and teachings of the Andean medicine men and women for Westerners.
With the recent passing away of his brother, it is Luis an honor to carry on his late brother’s vision and mission of sharing and offering the traditions, perspectives, wisdom and medicine ways of the Andean Paqos.