Registration and conditions

Should you be interested in the training you can register via the email addresses of the assistants, which you can find on the contact page of this website. You will receive a registration form, which we kindly request you to fill out, sign and return to the centre and to enclose a recent, clearly recognizable photograph of yourself. The final grading is done by the paqos themselves.

Consequently you will be sent a form by the centre, in which you declare to fulfill a number of conditions prior to your participation in the training. Amongst others you will have to supply a health certificate, declaring that you do not suffer from certain mental disorders and from addiction to alcohol and drugs. You are also requested to agree that at all times the paqos decide about your enrollment and participation in the training programme, about you becoming a pampamesayoq, and that you will not share the paqos’ wisdom and knowledge during the training unless you have received their prior consent.